Paul Emilien
“A fragrance without a story is a soulless perfume”.
A chemist by training, but passionate about perfumery since a very young age, Paul Emilien has designed 4 perfume collections, divided into two lines of perfume waters, a line of luxurious diffusers and a collection of scented candles.
Each scent is inspired by an experience, story or dream, evoking a lively emotion between nostalgia, joy, envy, hope, reassurance, greed, sensuality.
Each collection is a perfect marriage of
quality, precision and diversity.
Haute Perfumery that exceeds the codes of perfumery, but faithful to the French tradition.
Perfume 100 ml : 95 € – 195 €
Eaux de Parfums
Eaux de Parfums
Eaux de Parfums
Eaux de Parfums
Eaux de Parfums
Paul Emilien
Eaux de Parfums
Eaux de Parfums
Eaux de Parfums
Eaux de Parfums